I've started to make NFTs in October 2021.
You can check them on my Foundation profile.
I've started to make NFTs in October 2021.
You can check them on my Foundation profile.
I've started to make NFTs in October 2021.
You can check them on my Foundation profile.
I'm Anna, a Hungarian illustrator and art director based in Italy (Sardinia & Milan). I studied graphic design for 10 years and after my degree I worked for various agencies in Budapest and Milan. I loved the "agency life" but I also started to make illustrations what became my hobby and passion immediately.
I'm currently collaborating as an illustrator with several publishing houses (White Star Kids - Italy, Liget Műhely - Hungary, Manó Könyvek - Hungary, Fleurus Editions - France, Wydawnictwo Wilga - Poland), and working on different branding projects for small businesses as a graphic designer and art director.

interview - Anna Láng per HABITAT • micromega (Italian)
interview - Interjú Láng Annával, az Apa szeret! illusztrátorával - Caledonia Könyvvára (Hungarian)
interview - Aki csodavilágot varázsol gyermekeinknek! - SANTA BROS Otthon Divat Gasztronómia Szépségápolás Praktikák (Hungarian)
interview - CryptoArt Sundays: Interview with Anna Lang - (English)